
Emergency Dentistry in Vaughan

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Need to see a dentist immediately?

Expo City Dental is open before and after working hours, including weekends, to handle your dental emergencies quickly and effectively. 

When you need dental care fast, don't wait for relief. Contact our team of trusted emergency dentists in Vaughan. 

Contact Our Team for Emergency Services.

Dental Emergencies

Types of Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies are never pleasant, whether it's due to a severe tooth infection or a physical injury. When you need urgent dental care, you can rely on our experienced emergency dentists at Expo City Dental.

An infection or physical injury can lead to a dental emergency, causing significant pain and distress. Here are common scenarios where immediate dental attention is necessary:

Severe Tooth Infection

Infections can escalate quickly, causing intense pain and potentially spreading to other parts of the body.

Some signs of a severe tooth infection include:

  • Throbbing Pain: Constant, severe pain in the affected tooth that can radiate to the jaw, neck, or ear.
  • Pain Worsening with Pressure: Increased discomfort when chewing or biting down.
  • Facial Swelling: Noticeable swelling in the face, cheek, lymph nodes or jaw area, indicating the spread of infection.
  • Extreme Sensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that persists even after the stimulus is removed.
  • Gum Inflammation: Gums around the infected tooth appear red, swollen, and tender.

Physical Tooth Injuries

Accidents can result in broken or knocked-out teeth, requiring immediate professional care to prevent further damage and complications.

  • Partially and fully cracked or broken teeth as a result of mechanical or physical accident.
  • Extreme toothache from a very deep cavity
  • Severe swelling or limited mouth opening because of an impacted wisdom tooth infection
  • Injury to the soft tissue (serious cut or a torn lip) that requires stitching
  • In some cases, a broken-off retainer wire can be an emergency as well.

Contact Our Team for Emergency Services.

What is an Extreme Toothache

While having regular dental hygiene and care for the teeth would be the best way to prevent dental emergencies, for a lot of people, this may be unachievable for a multitude of reasons. If a patient has extreme pulsating pain for more than 12 hours, it may be reasonable to reach out to the emergency dentist near you.

Call us at 905-660-6777 to see if Expo City Dental Emergency Dental Clinic in Vaughan can help you today!

Addressing Non-Dental Emergencies

Not all urgent dental issues are emergencies. Situations like a dislodged crown or bridge or a chipped filling often don't require immediate attention and can typically be addressed at your next scheduled appointment. Our dentists in Vaughan will prioritize your comfort and will swiftly accommodate you as soon as possible.

Why Trust Our Emergency Dentist in Vaughan

If you are experiencing pain, Dr. Farzin can accurately and carefully diagnose the cause of the pain and help you manage the symptoms. If needed, he will make further recommendations for the subsequent treatment, such as Root Canal Treatment or any other diagnosis-specific treatment.

As a foreign-trained Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon and a Licensed General Dentist in Ontario, Dr. Farzin is also specializing in dental emergencies that require surgical expertise. As an Emergency Dentist in Vaughan, he can perform emergency extractions, impacted wisdom tooth extractions, dental abscess drainage and a variety of types of oral stitches & excisions.

Can Kids Be Seen for an Emergency at Expo City Dental?

Yes, children can be seen at our dental clinic in Vaughan for an emergency visit. One of the most common dental emergencies in children is tooth intrusion after a fall. The tooth can be pushed back into the gums and the jaw. In this case, if the primary tooth is jeopardizing the development of the permanent tooth, the extraction may be recommended. Our emergency dentist, Dr. Farzin, can treat it right away.

If you're concerned about a child's dental health or have an urgent dental need, contact Expo City Dental right away. 

Get Quality Emergency Care at Expo City Dental Clinic in Vaughan

Expo City Dental is open to service before regular office hours, after office hours, and on the weekends. We are readily available via the phone and, in most cases, able to accommodate emergency appointments on the same day.

We respond to emails within 24 hours and return missed calls within the same business day. Having a dental emergency is stressful, and dealing with the dental insurance to recover the expenses is the last thing that should be on the patient's mind. Our dental office in Vaughan works directly with most insurance companies (and bills directly in most cases) to help you eliminate the paperwork hassle during this stressful moment. 

To book an appointment or to speak to our staff, contact us online or call the clinic at 905-660-6777.


Why Expo City Dental?

Expo City Dental

Experienced Dental Team

We understand that everyone gets just one set of natural teeth and strongly believe that there is no room for experimenting or learning on our patients. Our dental clinic makes a conscious choice to bring in doctors with at least 10 years of experience in their respective specialties. All of our doctors are licensed in Ontario & maintain good standing with the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.

Top Tier Equipment

Our office does not compromise on the quality of the materials used for dental treatments. We always purchase high-quality products, instruments, and tools to ensure that our patients receive the best possible dental treatment. 

Prioritizing Patient Safety

At our dental office in Vaughan, we are also very particular about sterilization. Allotting time property, staffing our team sufficiently, and following strict guidelines ensures that each room is thoroughly wiped between the patients and instruments are sterilized according to the protocol.

Maximize Patient Comfort

We feel passionate about comfortable and stress-free dentistry; therefore, as your next trusted dentist nearby, we also offer a variety of Sedation Dentistry options. Our dentists use quality materials, advanced tools & a wide range of the latest treatments, making Expo City Dental a leading choice throughout Vaughan.

Expo City Dental

Achieve the smile of your dreams

Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Our convenient online booking system makes it easy to find a time that works for you. Whether you're due for a routine check-up or interested in a complete smile makeover, our team is here to help you achieve your goals.

Contact us

Hear From Our Patients

Maria Michelman
Maria Michelman says:

I was having some intense tooth pressure out of no where one day and I emailed Expo City. Immediate responses, they took me in right away as a new patient, they were super sweet and super informative, discussing cost options with me. I just had major surgery recently and I'm going through procedures still and the team was super on top of it. Very caring for my neck, asking if I was comfortable, very clear on potential next steps so they don't overlap with my medical procedures. Dr. Farzin worked with me today, he was super sweet, gentle and funny. The receptionist was incredible and very patient with me when my cards were malfunctioning at check out. Definitely come here for dental help, especially if you're fortunate to live in the buildings upstairs like me.

Dap O
Dap O says:

Fantastic Service. I had a tooth extraction a few weeks ago. The staff was so professional and very nice. The surgeon was really good. Everyone from the nurse to the assistant was professional and very nice. The surgeon even walked me to the car I was going to be driven in, because I was all drugged up from the anesthesia. 5 Stars!

Amaka Arinze says:

Dr Faarzin was so awesome. I wanted to do close my gap tooth and after consulting with the team at expo he recommended I go to an actual orthodontist as my case was a bit complicated. And during my braces treatment I had to extract couple tooth of course I went back to expo and it was a pleasant experience. He cracked jokes which took my mind away from the pain & helped called my nerves. Highly recommend